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Amanda Hersleff talks to us about her role working at moveero USA


Name: Amanda Hersleff

Position/Title: Assembly / Operator

Tell us a little bit about yourself: 

I am married, aged 34 with one child and from Swea City

Why did you choose to work in manufacturing? Or what brought you to this company/position?

I have always worked in manufacturing since leaving college. I’ve has 2 jobs in manufacturing. One I held for five years and my current role I have now been in for 13 years. I love the challenges, the opportunities to try new things and learn, the pay is great and there are many good things about moveero.

What is the best part of your job/career?

The people I work with are more than just colleagues. They are supportive and good fun as well as work hard.

What would you tell someone if they were considering a job in manufacturing?

You can grow and advance. There are plenty of opportunities to learn to advance and every day is different.

What do you wish more people knew about working in manufacturing?

You gain a lot of knowledge when working in manufacturing.